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NFT Color Cats

Saving animals do not have to be difficult. Simply hold a Colorcat.

Each ColorCat you purchase goes towards helping homeless or abused animals in need.

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Color Cat NFTs as Proof of Heart

With 90% of proceeds being donated to Animal shelters and animal care centers, holders of color cat NFTs possess kindness and generosity which is invaluable.

Royalties for trading go towards helping homeless animals find a forever home. So do your part today, brighten a homeless animal’s life by holding a Color Cat NFT.

Those who are able to share evidence and tag us on twitter will also stand a chance to obtain a ColorCat NFT. After all, it is not about the money, we strive to help animals in need, no matter how small the actions might be.

Why Color Cat NFTs

Unlike traditional NFTs which contribute towards selfish greed, each color cat NFT purchased and traded will contribute towards worldwide animal organizations like the Animal Welfare Institute, Animals Asia Foundation and the Cat Protection Society of Victoria. So while traders are able to earn income through exchanges, they are also doing their part to save lives.

Animal lives matter. They love unconditionally just like humans. As such, they deserve unconditional love from humans too. By purchasing an NFT, you are saving an animal from a tragic life. Help us believe in humanity, one step at a time. We trust that there are still people out there who care.

Get your NFTs on Opensea now by clicking the links below. Save a life today!